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R&R & Win2000

Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 10:45 am
by Michele
With Windows2000 pc and some type of printers i can^t print at runtime some reports. I have the error message "RRWRUN.EXE has generated an error and ......". On the same pc other reports runs correctly. If i install another printer the reports runs and if i turn back to the previous printer the reports doesn^t run.____Any ideas ??__

=> RE: R&R & Win2000

Posted: Fri May 03, 2002 2:10 am
by pdempsey
Try removing the printer in question from your system and reinstalling it with the latest version from the manufacturer^s web site. Be sure to match the driver with the operating system.____Pat__

==> RE: R&R & Win2000

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:43 am
by GopdirL
We are also having the problem of RRWRUN.EXE being closed down by windows. __Header=^Program Error^__Text=^rrwrun.exe has generated errors and will be shut down by Windows. You will need to restart the program. A log file is being created^__So far I have tried:__1. Adding a local dummy printer - no difference__2. Making the printer the default - no difference__3. Using RRWRUN.exe 9.0.009 and using RRWRUN.exe 9.0.007 - no difference__4. We have run reports on 2 separate machines, both with Win2K. The set up and data are the same. For some reports (3 out of 30), on one machine the error occurs while the other machine the report is generated. Some reports are fine on both machines and some are not.__5. We have developed our own batching system which adds report details to the RRUNIN file (e.g. 10 reports) and then calls rrwrun.exe. I have run some combinations:__ a) Reports #1 to #15, output to HTML, then #1-#9 are OK and the error occurs on #10.__ b) I run Report #10 on its own. OK__ c) I run #9 and #10 consecutively. OK.__ d) When I run #4 to #10, #10 fails with the error.__ e) I change the output to TXT, and #4 to #10 is OK__ f) I can run these reports for outputs of TXT, CSV (Text data), RTF, WKS, HTML. It was only failing on the HTML. (I did not try the printer at all)____In all cases the CPU is running at 100% but I haven^t tested any degradation of the system. __Now having written all of the above, I cannot reproduce the problem, although it has been happening all day.__Hope the above can help someone with getting to a solution one day.____Question: Where is the log file and what is it called when being created? A windows log file is added to but the info doesn^t mean much to

===> RE: R&R & Win2000

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:02 pm
by Bev_Francis
Peter,____Some more questions to see how common our problems are -____Did both PCs have the same printers defined?____Was the same printer set as default?____The local printer you installed - was it an "old" printer like a Laserjet2?____What anti-virus was on each PC?____Our experience is that RRWRUN goes unstable before hogging the CPU 100%, so whether things run or not depends on what happened before and is often unpredictable anyway.____Can you tell Kathleen what printers and drivers you are using, so she can load similar drivers. I am 90% convinced these problems are down to a new generation of printer drivers - we just need to get Liveware in a situation where they can experience the problem.____Bev Francis

====> RE: R&R & Win2000

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:29 pm
by GopdirL
Bev,__I have sent some details to Kfleming.__We are using the same set up on both machines. McAfee virus checker. The printer was set up with the same drivers as our network printer, HP LaserJet5L. I called in laserjet2 ( I think). I have since deleted it.__I can reproduce the problem by using Start>run>COMMAND, navigating to the correct folder and using the prompt with paramters. If I run using Start>run>CMD with the exact same data, PC set up etc. the report is produced. It therefore seems to be out of my application and somewhere between rrwrun.exe and the operating system (but perhaps my input is wrong!). I have sent all my data and two reports to kfleming. One report works using either COMMAND or CMD. The other only works with CMD.__Hope we get some answers soon.__Thanks for your notes & questions.__Peter