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R&R 6: "Print Preview Complete"

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:20 pm
by CherylABellucci
Yep, this is an oldie but a goodie...____One of our customers is trying to print a report using R&R Version 6 (for DOS). Instead of printing, it "churns" a bit, then displays the following message:____"Print Preview Complete. Press G to Generate report, C to cancel."____What option causes this message to appear? Is it possible we have a corrupt file somewhere? (We have other customers that don^t have this situation occur under the same circumstances.)____If we press G to generate, the report "prints" a couple of blank lines, then ends. We get nothing out. Yet, if we preview the report to the screen, it prints fine.____Any ideas? Can anyone (else) remember back that far?____Thanks in advance!__

=> RE: R&R 6: "Print Preview Complete"

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:42 am
by kfleming
In RR6 print preview displays a graphic rendition of the report that depends upon the system configuration. If RI_PREVIEW is set to P in the runtime control file, this graphic preview window is launched. But if you change the value of this field to D, you will get to view the report on the screen in character mode and then can choose to print or cancel the report. So you should look at your control table and probably change RI_PREVIEW to D rather than P and I think this will fix things.______Kathleen__R&R Support