R&R Scan Report

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R&R Scan Report

Post by Asad » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:13 am

I have been using a report where it list on one page the purchase order item detail on the left side and on the right side invoice and cheque information. The report is where there is one to one match between the po file and payment file (relation is one to one on ponbr). Curretly we have started to pay the po in plit payments. There are one to many match based on po nbr. How can I list muli payment line on the same page. exp____sku upc recqty uncst itmcst invnbr chq nbr chqamt__xxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx__xxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx__xxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx__ Total po cost xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx__ xxxx xxxxx xxxx

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=> RE: R&R Scan Report

Post by kfleming » Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:28 am

There is a tech doc on our website that describes one way to do this.____http://www.livewarepub.com/ftp/TechDocs/Printing_Related_Records.pdf______Kathleen__R&R Support

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