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Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 9:50 am
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
I^m excited about the new features in version 9. Like everyone else, I just received it a week or so ago. I installed it on the same computer with version 8.1, but in a different directory than the default. I have been experiencing strange things since, which I now think might be attributable to either version 9 or the combination of 8.1 and 9. It^s on a Windows ME computer.____Has anyone else been having a similar problem?

=> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 5:00 pm
by kfleming
I have an ME installation on one of our machines and it works just fine for me.____What kinds of oddities are you seeing?____Kathleen__R&R Support

=> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 11:03 am
by Bruce_Habersang_(Guest)
Kathleen,____To the best of my recollection, the problems were primarily freeze-ups, typically in run-time. They were existing procedures that always ran without a hitch, i.e., not something new that might have a logic problem. I (reluctantly) removed version 9 and re-installed 8.1, for now, until I have a chance to study what^s going on. I want to be sure that, before I get clients involved with this first release, it doesn^t come back to haunt me. That^s why I wanted to get some feedback from users, as well as Liveware, about possible problems.____Jeff Fried

==> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:18 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
I just installed version 9. It^s on Win98. It was installed on top of 8.0. The installation seemed to go fine. However, I can^t save any reports. Even a simple instant report with nothing worked on, and I get the dreaded "this program has performed illegal operation" message, at every attempt to save a report to a file in any folder.__Let me add I^ve used R&R extensively for nearly 4 years now and have created tons of reports, but never had trouble saving them. __Help! I^ve called tech support and left a message. __Any ideas?__

==> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 7:11 am
by kfleming
Try adding the line:____LIBRARIAN=OFF____to the [Defaults]__section of C:WINDOWSRRW.INI____and let me know if that helps.____Did you leave a voice mail tech support message at 800-325-9035 number?____Kathleen__R&R Support

===> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 8:34 am
by Bruce_Habersang_(Guest)
Kathleen,____I included the LIBRARIAN=OFF line into the default section and the saving problem is fixed. Thanks.____Yes, I did call the tech support line (x201)on Wednesday and not hearing anything back, I called again this morning. You can ignor the call. ____I was hoping to register version 9.0 over the phone, because Blue Cross just purchased it. But having hard time finding live person to answer phone. ____And one more thing. Are you the Kathleen from WallData in Westboro, MA I used to speak with 4 years ago? If you are, nice to see you are still helping to answer our question. __Thanks again,__Bruce

====> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 9:14 am
by kfleming
I will check on the phone issue on our end.__We are still trying to determine why the Librarian is unhappy on some machines.____I am indeed the former Concentric/former WallData support person.____It is nice that so many users from the old days are staying with R&R and upgrading to V9.____Kathleen__R&R Support

=====> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 11:51 am
by jefffried
I have gained more insight into the lockup problem I^ve had since installing version 9. It occurs using runtime, and it happens after I^ve run a report the first time, then run it or another right after that -- it locks the second time.____Was that LIBRARIAN=OFF fix intended for the problem I^m describing, or for the saving problem? I^ll go ahead and apply it and let you know if it does anything to solve the lockup problem.

======> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 2:21 pm
by kfleming
The Librarian setting would only fix the save problem.____The lock problem sounds like runtime is not properly releasing the RRW file when the report completes.____I will try some additional testing here and let you know what I find.____Kathleen__R&R Support

=======> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 6:10 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
Thanks, Kathleen.