R&R v6.5.08 to v9.0?
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 7:29 am
First, I^m thrilled to see that Kathleen Keller Fleming is still supporting R&R! You^ve been a big help in the past, Kathleen, and maybe you can give me some advice now.____I^m using R&R XBase v6.5.08. I own but don^t use v8.0 Build 923.0.0.____1) What are the implications of upgrading my app to use v8.0 (or v9.0)? Aside from new features (about which I am enjoying reading), are there any issues that I should be aware of regarding upgrading my existing reports? That is, are there any v6.5.08 features that are not supported in later versions? Will v8.0/9.0 read and upgrade an RPT that was created in v6.5.08?____2) I give my runtime users the ability to choose paper orientation (portrait/landscape) and margins. In v6.5.08 that means that I have to distribute one RPT for every possible combination of supported paper and margins. Is this still necessary in v8.0/v9.0? Is there, for instance, a way to define an object with a size/position relative to the edge of the paper or margin (instead of giving it an absolute size/position)?____3) One of the main reasons that I use R&R is its support of style and font codes <B>like this<N> in the middle of a memo field. Is this still fully supported in v8.0/9.0?____4) Kathleen, there was a bug which you last described to me (in July 1995 <g>) as the "CDLL bug and page numbers" which caused incorrect calculations of page numbers when using embedded codes. Was this ever fixed?____5) Does it really cost $300 to upgrade from v8.0 to v9.0??____Thanks for any help.____-Bob__