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R&R v9.0 and Win2000 error

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2001 12:22 pm
by PTan
I occasionally get a message indicating that R&R encountered an error and an error log is being generated. It suggests that I restart Win2000. Where does this error log get created and am I able to view it?____Thanks in advance.

=> RE: R&R v9.0 and Win2000 error

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 7:37 am
by kfleming
A crash on exit caused by improper initialization of the R&R PDF printer driver will occur if when a user without printer installation rights exits R&R. The workaround solutions are to deny the user execute access to CDINTF.DLL, re-name or remove CDINTF.DLL or grant the user rights to add a printer.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: R&R v9.0 and Win2000 error

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 6:05 am
by Matej_Jurac_(Guest)
__And what if this still does not made a solution to problem __and a user level change to power user or more is not an option?____

===> RE: R&R v9.0 and Win2000 error

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 8:35 am
by kfleming
Are you still crashing on exit even after re-naming CDINTF.DLL?____Kathleen__R&R Support