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Arpegio/R&R SQL serious delay when opening report?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2001 2:09 pm
by John_Ward_(Guest)
I have a user define SQL statement that joins to another table.____When I open up the report in the design program, I have to consistantly wait for a few minutes before all of the fields are finally shown and I can begin modifications. __I see this same sort of delay when running the report using the runtime.____I have a feeling the programs wants to validate the fields returned, and the delay is due to the WHERE command in my SQL statement. ____Is there any way to turn this checking off, or to stop the delay?____Has this been fixed in the current R&R SQL version?__

=> RE: Arpegio/R&R SQL serious delay when opening report?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 7:59 am
by kfleming
In the current Version 9 release there is a new INI file setting called ALWAYSRR that can speed up the process of opening reports.____Here is what the V9 README says:__If you are experiencing slow report retrieval or excessive delays when defining calculated or total fields, there is an optional INI file setting that should correct this problem. Edit your C:windowsRSW.INI file and add the line:__ALWAYSRR=1__to the [Defaults] section. Then save the file and re-start R&R.______Kathleen__R&R Support__