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RRW 9.0 and Win2K

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 1:26 pm
by mike
We have installed a server version of 9.0009 (and yes we used the new pdf patch, too) and are running it on Win2K desktops. Almost all of the bugs have been taken care of. Two however, remain.____1) Most of the time when we try to open a report, we get an error saying that file is in use (it is not) and would we like to open a copy. It does this on all of the files. None are in use.____2) When go to FileSave on the pull down menus, the program closes immediately after it saves.____Has anyone else seen these particular problems? I read through some of the message base but I didn^t see anything related to these.____Thanks.

=> RE: RRW 9.0 and Win2K

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 7:20 pm
by kfleming
Check out topics 435 and 764 for previous discussions of this issue.__There may be a Novell server setting (I assume you are on Novell) but so far no one has come forward to share exactly how to find/change this setting.____You can also try adding the line LIBRARIAN=OFF to the Defaults section of your RRW.INI file and see if that helps.______Kathleen__R&R Support

=> RE: RRW 9.0 and Win2K

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 1:25 am
by pdempsey
I had this same problem. The report would save and then R&R shut down. I changed to a different printer on the network and the problem went away. We were on an NT server and Win2K on the station. Sorry that I can^t remember the driver(s).____-Pat-