RRWRUN Failure on Networks
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 11:12 am
Using RR6.5.08 and 8.1 on NT networks (NT or W* workstations) with network printers hanging directly off the network. RRWRUN will hang, offer no preview and produce no printed output. Repeated calls to RRWRUN result in workstation memory corruption and workstation hangs. (We use the DLL to call this, but you can recreate the problem by running from the command prompt.)__ __All out experience of this problem revolves around the fact that there are no local printers, nor, apparently, printer drivers on the workstations. Adding a dummy local printer (eg HP LJ2), even though it is never used, cures all the problems. ____Since 6.5 and 8.1 behave the same way, this looks like a hole in the design of RRWRUN. Hope this will help fellow sufferers and help LV to find the problem.____Bev Francis