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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:40 pm
by seg0906
Hi Kathleen,____Over the weekend we upgraded to Mom 6.0, and I^ve been trying to run our RW reports. We^ve applied the patch and upgrade as you suggested, however I^m running into the following problems. ____1st - I was told the master table would need to be re-selected for all of our reports - 1st selecting a .dbc file and then a dbf file. This has been the case for 1 report that I^ve looked at so for, but not for another one. Do you have instructions for how to modify the Master Table?____2nd - We run almost all of our reports based on the Orderdate from the CMS.dbf table. or the IT_SDATE (Item ship date) from the ITEMS.dbf table. In the past - when I set up the Master Table - I create an index, and select OrderDate or ShipDate as the Tag. The Data Type of the tag has always been "Date". We use parameter fields based on the orderdate or shipdate - to allow users to enter the scope for the report. ____I see that MOM has changed most of their date fields to DateTime fields. However - now - in the master table screen when I choose the index tag of Orderdate or Shipdate - report writer will not let me select a Data Type of "DateTime" - it will only allow me to select "Character". Although - the parameter fields WILL let me select "DateTime". How can I scope my reports based on dates? The Query screen - also - is not recognizing - my "DateTime" paramter fields.____Any help is greately appreciated!!!____Thanks!__Sarah______

=> RE: RW MOM 6.0 HELP!!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:41 am
by kfleming
You should be able to select the DBF directly rather than going through the DBC.____We are working on a fix to the date/time scope problem and the datetime parameter problem. For the parameter, you could create a date parameter and then create a calc field that converts the datetime field in the table to a date. You can then use the date calc and the date parameter in the query.____Kathleen__R&R Support____

==> RE: RW MOM 6.0 HELP!!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:47 am
by seg0906
Thanks for the quick response! Do you know when the fix for datetime will be available. I have quite a few reports that I^m going to have to go through - and if that fix is available soon it would help out!____Thanks!__Sarah

==> RE: RW MOM 6.0 HELP!!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:51 am
by seg0906
Will your idea above work - if I can^t change the index Tag DataType to a "date" type? How would I set up the index?____Thanks,__Sarah