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Report Writer DICTFLD Error (3274)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:37 pm
by cpay_support
Hello there,____I am having an issue with Report Writer. The version is 12.5 and it is dealing with the DICTFLD database table. Whenever I attempt to use the Report Wizard to create a report I get an error saying:____"Error Opening Report Dictionary ^R:Rrw ldictfld^ ( 3274)"____I am able to open a pre-existing report just fine though.____I have not seen this error before. I^ve made sure my Librarian is set to OFF and my Dictionary is set to 0, but that has not helped any at all. This file is not locked as I am able to change the file name.____Steps to recreate this error are:____1) Open Report Writer__2) Select Report Wizards__3) Select a database file and hit OK.__4) Error appears. ____Can you all provide any help to correct this?____Thanks.__

=> Report Writer DICTFLD Error (3274)

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:27 pm
by kfleming
Can you create an instant or a blank report without a problem?____Kathleen__R&R Support