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Reports: Page Breaking - Group Header

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:54 am
by jmolden
I know this is probably an easy question, but I have tried with little success to not allow record items within a group header to continue on to the next page of my report. I want to have a page break if all the record items will not fit on the same page. Is there a way to do that?____Thanks for any help.____

=> RE: Reports: Page Breaking - Group Header

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:44 pm
by cstrasser
Not easily. You might be able to handle this with two reports, one providing the page control information to the second (the first generating a DBF export that the second would use for final rendering). You could simplify your report execution with RapidRunner so that both reports were batched.____A way to signal to the second report what to do would be to use two COUNT total fields. The first would be pre-processed and would determine the number of records in the group and the second would be a running total to identify the number of records printed so far on that page.____You might also need to add the page number onto the report for export (the page_rr calculation) to identify the changed page number for the second report and then build in a conditional line with a page break on it at the header.____I built a test report with some of the components. I think it^ll do what you^re trying. Let me know if it works.