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Run time errors

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:13 am
by Gerard_(Guest)
Copy of eralier thread____This is a copy of an earlier thread and hoping there will be a resolution to this as it is becomng a serious problem in a number of our sites and putting ALL our software into question______We have these constant problems with R&R runtime and habe not been able to get a solution as yet.__Using Version 10____If we set up a report and print Using R&R, it prints ok. If we use the Run Time, it will either just not print or other reports will give a ^An error has occurred... Please send details to Microsoft etc. ____This is happening on every site we install R&R in now and is in fact becoming unworkable. I know there have been messages on this thread about known printing problems with R&R but would have expected these to be sorted out.____The last time I had this problem. the sequence of ebents was as follows:____1. Set up a report.. working fine in both R&R and Run time__2. Made a few changes to the report and saved it with a different name__3. The new report prints ok in R&R but gives the ^Plase Contact Microsoft^ error message in Run time.____Is there a solution to theses Run time errors now ?____We are using a Control File with RI_WPTR set to ? and selecting Properties prior to prinitngd oes not make any difference________Regards,__Gerard______

=> RE: Run time errors

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:37 am
by kfleming
Try setting RI_WPTR to DEFAULT______Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Run time errors

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:45 pm
by Gerard_(Guest)
Hi Kathleen.__This is not an option as if I set this parameter to default, It does not give the option to select a partcicular printer at run time.____