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Runtiime loading time

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:38 am
by jefffried
I checked the forums for information on slow loading time for runtime and all I could find was a suggestion regarding the rr_wptr file being set to default. This is not the issue.____When I go to load rrwrun, without specifying a report to run, it still takes the rrwrun.exe 20 seconds or more to load. This issue is not with any of the reports that are run. In fact, a report I tested while loaded in designer runs instantly.____I think I just noticed this slowdown when I recently upgraded from 12.0.001 to 12.5.001 -- a big mistake.____I have 3 questions for anyone in the know.____1. Is there a way to make the rrwrun loading time go back to normal?__2. How do I restore back to 12.0.001 from 12.5.001?__3. Once restored back to 12.0.001, any way to convert the one major report I developed in 12.5.001 to 12.0.001? It will not run using the 12.0.001 runtime files.____Thank you for your help.____Jeff Fried

==> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:43 am
by Robert_Seidman
Before uninstalling and reinstalling a previous version, you might want to check the impact your anti-virus program is having on your runtime. This made a huge impact in my environment.

==> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:43 am
by Cliff_Wiernik
>Before uninstalling and reinstalling a previous version, you __>might want to check the impact your anti-virus program is __>having on your runtime. This made a huge impact in my __>environment. ____I tried disabling my anti-virus (Norton AV 2012) but it did not make a difference -- still about 20 seconds to load.____Jeff

=> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:07 am
by cstrasser
Hi Jeff,__I^m not sure why you^re seeing a problem with the speed to load RRWRUN____In the past I had issues with R&R load speed because I had over a dozen printer drivers installed from onsite visits to various consulting clients and R&R slowly queried each for its status before proceeding. This was on a 2004-era XP system. Currently, I^m running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. It seems much smarter about printer availability than XP. As an example, when I go to a client now, I^m automatically offered to use the printer I configured for their network.____What^s your current configuration?____As to going backwards, you should be able to do an uninstall of 12.5 and reinstall 12.0 using your original CD and installation key.____What^s in the report that prevents it from going backwards? We try very hard to maintain forward and backward compatibility with reports. At the worst, you should receive a message in 12.0 that the report contains new things that aren^t supported in the old version.

==> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:43 am
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
I am wondering if the new installation loaded the AMYUNI pdf driver and the file cdintf.dll is now in the windowssystem32 directory. If that is present, the older amyuni PDF driver would install and uninstall each time the runtime was run. This was slow. We did the manual install procedure and removed the cdintf.dll (renamed) it so it would not uninstall the pdf driver or attempt to reinstall it.____I think you can also test this by setting a flag in the ini file to during off the PDF driver. If this helps the speed, than this is the issue.____Cliff.

===> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:46 am
by cstrasser
>I am wondering if the new installation loaded the AMYUNI pdf __>driver and the file cdintf.dll is now in the __>windowssystem32 directory. If that is present, the older __>amyuni PDF driver would install and uninstall each time the __>runtime was run. This was slow. We did the manual install __>procedure and removed the cdintf.dll (renamed) it so it __>would not uninstall the pdf driver or attempt to reinstall __>it. __>__>I think you can also test this by setting a flag in the ini __>file to during off the PDF driver. If this helps the speed, __>than this is the issue. __>__>Cliff. ____Wow! Problem solved by simply eliminating (renaming) the cdintf.dll file in windowssystem32. That^s all there was to it.____Thank you, Cliff.____Jeff

=> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:40 pm
by Taavi_Remmelg_(Guest)
>Hi Jeff, __>I^m not sure why you^re seeing a problem with the speed to __>load RRWRUN __>__>In the past I had issues with R&R load speed because I had __>over a dozen printer drivers installed from onsite visits to __>various consulting clients and R&R slowly queried each for __>its status before proceeding. This was on a 2004-era XP __>system. Currently, I^m running Windows 7 Professional __>64-bit. It seems much smarter about printer availability __>than XP. As an example, when I go to a client now, I^m __>automatically offered to use the printer I configured for __>their network. __>__>What^s your current configuration? __>__>As to going backwards, you should be able to do an uninstall __>of 12.5 and reinstall 12.0 using your original CD and __>installation key. __>__>What^s in the report that prevents it from going backwards? __>We try very hard to maintain forward and backward __>compatibility with reports. At the worst, you should __>receive a message in 12.0 that the report contains new __>things that aren^t supported in the old version. ______This is on a 32-bit Windows XP machine with decent specs. I do have many printer drivers on my computer due to, as in your case, many client-specific printers. Is there a setting in the ini file that preempts looking at the printers? Remember that this is when I load rrwrun without a report specified, so there is no report-based printer slowing it down. In the control file, I usually provide either a specific printer or PDF driver to print to, sometimes the default printer, and just wonder if there is something I can do to make the loading faster.____I don^t know what I could have put in the 12.5 report that is not backward compatible, but when I run it using the 12.0 runtime, it just does not run. I would first try to rewrite the report in the 12.0 designer, but the uninstall/reinstall process would then shut me out of making revisions to the report prior to my rewriting it.____I have printed out the report spec and can certainly re-write from it, but unless there is a way to simultaneously have the 12.0 and 12.5 designer on the same computer, I can^t see how to do it. Can you have both available at the same time? The program files are in different directories (12.0 in c:program files r infinity and 12.5 in c:program filesliveware publishing eportworks infinity)? When I run the rrw.exe from the 12.0 location, it still brings up 12.5. Is there a way to bring up the 12.0? Is there a registry entry that would give me the ability to move between 12.0 and 12.5 temporarily, while I bring the couple reports back into 12.0?____Thank you.____Jeff Fried

===> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:40 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
Have you looked at the status file? Maybe it^s something simple like a graphic or table that^s got a different location than what your report expects.

====> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:40 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
>Have you looked at the status file? Maybe it^s something __>simple like a graphic or table that^s got a different __>location than what your report expects. ____Bear in mind that I^m testing this at a fundamental stage -- no report is involved. That is, I just execute rrwrun.exe and it takes a long time (20 or so seconds) just for that to come up and ask for a report.____I figure if this loading time gets solved, so will running a report with it.

===> RE: Runtiime loading time

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:54 am
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
Hi,__ did You have a try with line____PdfDriver=0____in rrw.ini file?______Taavi____p.s. be careful with windows directory redirections in windows 7.______________>I have 3 questions for anyone in the know. __>__>1. Is there a way to make the rrwrun loading time go back to __>normal? __>2. How do I restore back to 12.0.001 from 12.5.001? __>3. Once restored back to 12.0.001, any way to convert the __>one major report I developed in 12.5.001 to 12.0.001? It __>will not run using the 12.0.001 runtime files. __>__>Thank you for your help. __>__>Jeff Fried __