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Runtime Flex - Again???

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:38 am
by rickmds
Kathleen__I am posting your previous response below:____"You use an RI_ALIASn field along with the saved alias name.__So if your current relation uses the alias VAL0319 to line to the table VAL0319.DBF your control file entry could use the field RI_ALIAS1 and the entry: VAL0319=VAL0320.DBF to override the saved relation."____Couple of issues:__1. This seemed to worked the other day but I discovered that I had reversed the names between the Master and the alias when I requested your assistance in the original thread... no problem same concept. However...__2. I did not realize these was a query associated with the report.__3. This report works OK in R&R Report designer but does not in the runtime.____Runtime Results:__Master: d:mast24qcval0308.dbf__saved alias with report: smc0319__Alias_1: smc0319=d:mast24smc0308.dbf__ri_query: S__Runtime Query results: val0319->tlink is equal to smc0319->match __ *Note what has been done with the query above.__Report Results: Wrong____Ran report again....__Master: d:mast24qcval0308.dbf __saved alias with report: smc0319__Alias_1: smc0319=d:mast24smc0308.dbf__ri_query: O__ri_filter: val0308->tlink=smc0308->match__Alias_1: smc0319=d:mast24smc0308.dbf__ Runtime Error: "Unrecognized name at offset 1 of ri_filter"__Runtime Report Results: Wrong____Ran report again...__Master: d:mast24qcval0308.dbf __Alias_1: smc0319=d:mast24smc0308.dbf__ri_query: O__ri_filter: tlink=match__Runtime Query results: Include all records where tlink=match__Runtime Report Results: Wrong____Ran report again... using R&R Designer__Master: d:mast24qcval0308.dbf __Alias_1: NA__ri_query: NA__ri_filter: NA__Query: tlink is equal to match__Runtime Query results: Include all records where tlink=match__Report Results: Correct____Can you advise? Are there any known bugs associated with using Flex in runtime; if yes, where is this documented?? Is there any R&R Help files associated with using Flex in runtime?____Thanks in advance.__Rick________

=> RE: Runtime Flex - Again???

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:37 pm
by kfleming
What version is being used? Is it indeed V11 and not V12?____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Runtime Flex - Again???

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:33 am
by rickmds
Kathleen__it is version 11 with the newest patch.__Rick

===> RE: Runtime Flex - Again???

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:34 am
by kfleming
I will do some additional testing here to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing.____Kathleen__R&R Support

====> RE: Runtime Flex - Again???

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:50 am
by rickmds
Kathleen__I can send you my report and tables if this would help. Let me know?__Your help is appreciated.__Thanks__rick