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SQL Joins with Blank records

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 12:18 pm
by SimonBray
Kathleen,____Sorry to keep going on about this but I am still finding no way of resolving this issue and it is making R&R almost unuseable.____In XBase Version I am able to join Master Table A to related table B and then for any records that are returned from table B I want to join to table C using data from table B but if there were no records in table B then i still want see the records from table A. This was achieved using the Blank record if no match.____Why or why can you not do the same in R&R SQL ? If I use the join that returns from the left (table A) if no match in table B then I can not use table B to join to another table. If I use the normal join then I can link table B to table C but I lose the records from table A that had no match.____Please don^t say "It is all SQL^s fault". Why can^t you return the records from the first join (including blanks) into some sort of cursor and then join the cursor to the next table ? This is what I do if I use VFP to write the same report.____Is this achievable with User SQL ? If so how do I get started with User SQL ? ____Simon Bray.

=> RE: SQL Joins with Blank records

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 1:55 pm
by kfleming
You can do it with user SQL as long as the SQL driver supports your syntax and that you know the correct syntax to use.__Or you can create a view table on the SQL side and report on that view (as long as the backend platform supports view tables).____Kathleen__R&R Support