Selecting memo(s) at runtime.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:59 pm
For a client^s database app, I am designing a module to produce sales proposals (quotes) and sales contracts from the data contained in the database. These documents are essentially "mailmerge" type reports.____The numerical data parts are completed: item descriptions, part numbers, prices, quantities, etc. and the requisite calculations and total. What is now required is the inclusion of "Terms and Conditions" which consists of selected text items, between 1 and 16 in number, the text of each being contained in a text memofile, pterms.txt, which contains 16 memos named .A, .B, .C,...____The header of the proposal record contains 16 1-character fields which of which can contain either ine letterm corresponding to the memo name in the abouve described file, or can contain a blank signifying that non memo is to be printed in that position. the intent is to allow the inclusion of each text item in a bullet list.__By allowing the user to select from the 16 standard items, he can specify which to use and the order in which they appear in the list.____I^m struggling to come up with a way to place these memo text fields in the report layout so that each memo can be selected based on the data at runtime.____Can anyone offer suggestions? Thanks very much in advance.____Cal