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Sequentially numbered labels

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:59 pm
by BruceB
I need to print tickets for events. I use a Meeting table where each record is unique to a meeting. I have an Event table that is many to one with Meeting. There may be six events per day per meeting. The room size or each event may have different capacities. If a room holds 50 I print 60 numerically sequenced tickets. Presently I use label software to print the tickets. This means I have to design each event label separately. I want to use RR v10 to print the tickets. ____I have tried using Meeting as the Master table. __Events related to Meeting as a scan. ____How do I print 50 labels of one record in Events that are sequentially numbered?__Then print another batch of labels for the next record in events?__

=> RE: Sequentially numbered labels

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:25 am
by kfleming
Make the event table your master file for the report and set an exact lookup relation to the meeting table.____Then find/create a DBF that has a number of records that is equal to the largest meeting size. Then in the report create a calculated field whose value is a constant such as "A" and then build a scan relation to this extra table using a flexlink index with the same expression that you used for the calculated linking field, so in this example it would be "A".____So if there are 100 records in the extra table, you would get 100 copies of each event because of the 1 to many relation. To get the appropriate number for each event, you first need to have a field that determines the number of tickets. You then need a calculated field to return the record number from the extra table. The expression of this field will be RECNO(extra) where the alias name of the related extra table is inside the parentheses.__Finally you create a query to include all records where the RECNO calc field is less than or equal to the max ticket number from the event table.____To number the tickets, you place the RECNO() calc field on the record band line.____Hope this helps.____Kathleen__R&R Support______

==> RE: Sequentially numbered labels

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:02 am
by BruceB
Thank you :-), it worked. I also learned that my understanding of how RR works is missing some elements. Your solution still seems magical but I will persevere.