Snap to grid working???

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Snap to grid working???

Post by Cliff_Wiernik » Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:15 pm

Working with verions 10+ with service pack. I understand how the snap to grid is working. However, some times I turn off the snap to grid and then try to move the field and it appears to still be snapping back to the grid. It is not behaving entirely like snap to grid because if you move right/left with F7-cursor keys, it moves by pixels instead of grid space, but if the snap to grid is off and it is moved up/down via F7-cursor keys, when enter is pressed or the mouse is clicked to another field, the field jumps back to a grid line.____This behavior is not consistent. What is actually happening or controlling this so I know how to respond to it. If snap to grid is off, I would expect it to not snap to grid ever until I turned it back on for the field.____Also, any word on whether the insert field display box will be changed to show more fields. The lack of incremental searching, compared to the DOS version of the designer, is a real hassle and a larger display box in the insert field dialog would at least be a partial improvement.____Thanks.

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