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Sort Total groups

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:56 pm
by ramirezosvaldo
__Dear guys____I dont know how to make this sort.__I have a report called product for employes.____And it must to make this :____I need to report ( sort by product ) who sales that product.____Ej:____Group1 === Product Name : Pentrexil__ Group2 UserName : Osvaldo Ramirez Amount: 500__ Group2 UserName : Osvaldo XXXX Amount: 30__ Grupo2 UserName : Pedro Amount: 400____Group1 == Product Name : Binotal____ Group2 UserName : Osvaldo Ramirez Amount: 20__ Group2 UserName : Osvaldo XXXX Amount: 10__ Grupo2 UserName : Pedro Amount: 50______The things is: How to sort and descending mode the group 2 order by amount and show me the Username more hight____Please, it could be a dump question.____Thanks in advance__Osvaldo Ramirez____

=> RE: Sort Total groups

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:20 am
by kfleming
If the amount field is a total field, you would need to make this total pre-processed. It will then be available to select as your second level sort field.____Kathleen__R&R Support__

==> RE: Sort Total groups

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:57 pm
by Chadwick55
Thanks,____I will try ...____Osvaldo Ramirez__