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Strange Report Preview Display

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:25 pm
by Andy
When using version 9 and viewed reports on the screen, they would appear as I expected.____Now that I have upgraded to version 12.5, I noticed the band lines appear on either side of the report. This occurs in the run time version of my application where the user is doing a preview of the report on the screen. (Run time version is written in .NET 2008 (VB) using the rswrun.exe and a text control file to send parameters to the report.)____Header lines are shown shown with a red square/rectangle in the gray area of the report window and detail lines show as a green square/rectangle.____The text is black, but any lines that I have drawn in the report are shown as green lines.____How do I remove the band lines from showing in the report preview the user sees?____I find that if I uncheck all the display boxes in the editor, I lose these lines in the preview, but I also lose the color coding in the editor, which I don^t want to do. I don^t see anything in the documentation that discusses this, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.____Thank you.____

=> RE: Strange Report Preview Display

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:27 pm
by kfleming
Go to Options Preferences and uncheck the colored bands/preview box and see if that helps. ____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Strange Report Preview Display

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:28 pm
by Andy
Setting Options Preferences as you suggested will remove the bandlines from appearing in the preview of the report, but the lines I have in the report (color set to black) show as green in the preview.____I changed the way I am accessing the reports. I was using the OCX, but now I am using a control file. Could the access change have something to do with this anomaly?

===> RE: Strange Report Preview Display

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:29 pm
by kfleming
Check the version of your RRPD.DLL. If it does not match your executable you can end up seeing strange print results.____Kathleen__R&R Support