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Table contains unknown field type

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:38 am
by ausgrl
I^m getting this error when I try to run a report from the .rss control file:____ Table contains unknown field type items.dbf______This is the master table for the report. ____The report runs fine from within the XBase designer.____I^m on version 12.5____Any help?

=> RE: Table contains unknown field type

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:49 am
by cstrasser
Are you sure it^s an RSS file and not an RRS file? The RSS is for SQL shortcuts and might be having issues with trying to run R&R SQL Edition against an R&R Xbase report.____If the above doesn^t do anything, I^d recommend that you download the latest version of 12.5 and see if that helps:____

==> RE: Table contains unknown field type

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:06 am
by ausgrl
>Are you sure it^s an RSS file and not an RRS file? The RSS __>is for SQL shortcuts and might be having issues with trying __>to run R&R SQL Edition against an R&R Xbase report. __>__>If the above doesn^t do anything, I^d recommend that you __>download the latest version of 12.5 and see if that helps: __>__> ______Sorry for the typo. It is an RRS file. I am on the latest version. I can run the report from within designer and by opening it directly within the viewer, but I get the error when I try to open from a shortcut.____The really weird thing is, I have 2 machines where it runs fine, 2 where I get the error. No idea what the difference is.

=> RE: Table contains unknown field type

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:06 am
by ausgrl
FIXED!____Apparently I had lingering bits of an old version of R&R on those two machines that was causing the problem. ____Fix:__Uninstall 12.5.001__Re-install 10+__Uninstall 10+__Re-install 12.5.001____The install instructions for 12.5.001 clearly state to uninstall older versions, and I thought I had, but apparently I either skipped this step on 2 machines or flubbed it somehow.____Thanks to Debra at Axton for cluing me in to the problem!__