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Total Fields

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 4:59 am
by Thomas_Kehl_(Guest)
Hello, ____I use R&R V9.0 and I have a print-condition in a calculated field {IIF(PosBest-PosVerr<0, 0, FRSTK*DOK->STK)}. In earlier versions that worked fine, but in V9.0 I recieve a message: "Cannot use page total field to control line printing". __How can I solve that problem?____Thanks__Thomas Kehl

=> RE: Total Fields

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 7:23 am
by kfleming
Is one of these fields indeed based on a total that resets at the page level?______Kathleen__R&R Support

=> RE: Total Fields

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 7:29 am
by kfleming
Does this go back to the original issue of wanting to print fields at the bottom of the last page of the report?____I just created a report with a calculated field with expression:__PAGENO()=LASTPAGE()__I then placed my data fields on a page footer band and set a logical condition to print only when the calculated field was true.__This worked for me. At the bottom of the last page of the report I get my data fields for the last record.____Kathleen__R&R Support