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Use tables from two sources

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 12:24 pm
by Andrew_Bokelman
Using Version 10.0 Build 10.0.011 R&R SQL____I click File|Datasource connections, and add two data sources. Then I start to create a new report and it asks me for one of the data sources. So I pick the one that has the master table. Then I try to set a relation to the second data source and it is not on the list of sources. But when I double check by looking at File|Datasource connections, I still see two connections on the list.____BTW, this is the first time I^ve tried to use two sources, so there might be something obvious I am overlooking.__

=> RE: Use tables from two sources

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:10 am
by kfleming
I am afraid that there is not a way to create a report that selects data from more that one named datasource.____One way around is to export data from each data source to DBF and then combine those export files either using a DBF data source or via the Xbase version of R&R.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Use tables from two sources

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:16 am
by Fonz
Maybe I am not understanding the problem but I join data from more than one datasource using R & R Sql V8.1. I connect using the Intersolve Btrieve driver. I select a master table and point to a datasource. Next I do a join and when required to point to the table I select Datasource button that appears alongside the directory button. Naturally the datasource would point to data that can be joined to the Master Table.