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Web-Based Reporting via ASP

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 11:58 pm
by Dave_(Guest)
I browsed through your web-based reporting white paper that described using CGI programs written in VB to run R&R reports over the net... but is there any way to do the same thing using just active server pages without the CGI/VB coding?

=> RE: Web-Based Reporting via ASP

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 9:12 am
by Chris_Strasser_(Guest)
The object model of R&R doesn^t support being invoked within ASP. We^re going to investigate the resources needed to make the product work as you^ve indicated.

==> RE: Web-Based Reporting via ASP

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2001 3:47 pm
by Steve_B_(Guest)
I am calling the R&R control from an ASP to produce a .pdi file.__It produces the .pdi file OK, and I can look at it in the R&R viewer control, but my problem is that after the ASP produces the .pdi, it "hangs up", i.e., the progress bar stops moving and the time-out clock stays up. In this condition the ASP doesn^t accept any mouse clicks or key-strokes but I can close it from the Task Manager (I^m running NT 4.0 workstation with PWS).

===> RE: Web-Based Reporting via ASP

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2001 8:42 am
by Chris_Strasser_(Guest)
We^ve started work on revamping the OCX to be more well-behaved. However, I^d like to find out more details from you as to what your application looks like.