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Wonderful version 9

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2001 2:03 pm
by jefffried
So far so good. Have only tapped the surface of v.9 but especially the parameteRR and RR indexes make a dramatic difference.____With respect to parameteRR, it seems the default can only be a value. Usually if presenting the user with a starting and ending date, I would want to present the ending date as today (i.e., date()). Is there a way to accomplish this presently, and will this capability be added in a more direct way in the future?____Also, It would be nice to allow an input screen that is not the hard-wired one you provide. A simple box asking for the parameters would be nice. Is there any plan to allow modification of the parameter screen?____I almost went to Crystal but am now taking a second look at R&R given these dramatic improvements.____Before I shift clients from v.8 and 8.1, I don^t want to risk problems that typically accompany a first release. Are there any problems you can tell me about that should have me postpone any wholesale migrations to v.9.0. I would rather not learn after the fact that waiting would have been the best policy.____Thanks, and keep up the good work.

=> RE: Wonderful version 9

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2001 10:43 am
by kfleming
Thanks for the nice comments regarding V9.____We will be enhancing the capabilities of parameteRR fields in the future.____The ability to use constant expressions and a more customizable input screen are both good ideas that I will add to the enhancement database.____Kathleen__R&R Support