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Wordwrap w/o condensing line height

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:53 pm
by Mary_(Guest)
Hi,____I have a client who is printing from R&R on a preprinted form with a header, footer and a grid in the middle of the document.____The grid is 5 columns wide. The horizontal lines on the grid are printed every .2".____One of the columns is 2.7" wide. They have just increased the size of the field that prints in that column, so it has to word wrap. It prints in Arial 8 to print as much as it can per line. When there is no wordwrapping, each line takes up .2" and aligns perfectly on the form. However, when it word wraps that field, it does not take up .2" for each line. The spacing between the lines condenses, and throws off the rest of the lines printed on the grid. If I could set the line height to freeform .2 and wordwrap, it would line up correctly. However, I cannot wordwrap when the height is set to freeform. Height must be set to automatic to actually wordwrap.____I have tried embedding spaces on the line formatted at a much larger font size such as arial 16 to force the return to take up more space. ____I have tried breaking the field into smaller fields and putting each field on a separate line. However, it often breaks in the middle of a word.____Do you have any suggestions?

=> Wordwrap w/o condensing line height

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:14 pm
by kfleming
You should not have a problem placing a word wrapped field on a free form band line. The field should wrap to the fixed height of the line and then cut off any additional text.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> Wordwrap w/o condensing line height

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:51 am
by Mary_(Guest)
__Hi Kathleen,____Thanks for your response. In this case, I want to print the full text, and not cut it off. Is there anyway to do that, wrapping on several lines, keeping the height of all of the lines at .20?____Thanks,____Mary __