Calculated Field for .pcx picture
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 1:36 pm
Dear Friends,____ Enviro: RRW9 ____ I wish to use a calculated field for a small ^logo^ on the upper__left corner of a report. Currently, I^m using a hard-coded file specification (i.e., C:ESTLOGO.PCX). This works correctly.____ Instead, I wish to specify the file name as a variable created with a calculated field. So, I created a new calculated field called LOGOFILE and defined it as:__ "C:EST" + LOGOPIC (where logopic is a field name in a database file containing the actual file name)____ This definition was acceptable to RRW9.____ When I went in to modify the ^picture^ properties, and replaced the actual name with ^LOGOFILE^, it was rejected stating that it couldn^t find the file: logofile____Question: how do I specify the .pcx file as a variable rather than an * actual* file name ??____TIA,____-Mel Smith__