invalid command line argument?
invalid command line argument?
We have developed an application that works great when in development we use the executable C:Program FilesRR InfinityRSWRUN.EXE. However when we try to run the program as a user using the executable C:Program FilesReportWorks LiteRSWlite.EXE, we get an error message saying invalid or duplicate command line argument. This is how we build the command line.____ ^Build the Command Line for RO - ReportWriter__ Dim CommandLine As String = ROExe ^Program to Run__ CommandLine &= " /U" TaxConversion.Globals.User.UserID__ CommandLine &= " /P" TaxConversion.Globals.User.PWD__ CommandLine &= " /CS" Server.Name__ CommandLine &= " /TT" ROControl ^control file name__ CommandLine &= " /O" ROStatFile ^output file name____Your help will be much appreciated. Ready to deploy application except for this. Users are excited.____Much thanks.____
=> RE: invalid command line argument?
The problem line is the /CS you only need to use that if you have a SQL table as your control file. In your case you are using a text file.__Also make sure that there are no spaces between the switch and the argument.__So__/O output.txt__would fail__but__/Ooutput.txt____would work.____Regards,__Kathleen__R&R Support____