rr v9 - bad relation in RRW file
rr v9 - bad relation in RRW file
an RR report using version 9.0 with master table and three related tables - ____the error message:__it started getting an error stating that the first related table "could not be read" - and would freeze - i had to use task manager to kill it - ____i checked the related table with another report and it worked fine - so there was nothing wrong with the table.____solution:__so i added another relation in the same report to same related table but used a different alias name - switched references in calculated fields and totals to the new alias - and then DELETED the first relation .____the report now runs successfully without errors - ____all i really did was put the same relation in a different location in the list of related files - which corrected whatever was corrupted.____question:__any idea what was wrong with the relation setup that made RR give a file error on one of the related files? this is the first time i^ve ever seem this problem.____thanks__nick__
=> rr v9 - bad relation in RRW file
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-03 AT 07:05 AM (EST)]A cannot read database error generally means that we are seeking a record number that does not exist in the file (usually a bad index key) or that we have unexpectly reached the end of the file (usually a hex 1A character in the deleted byte of a record).__But why this error would appear and then disappear is indeed a mystery.____Kathleen__R&R Support