setup Dll error

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setup Dll error

Post by JKrueger_(Guest) » Sun Apr 13, 2003 9:19 pm

I have R & R 8.1 SQL edition. My report writer has been working fine. However, now I go in and I can run reports that have already been saved, but I can^t edit it (by adding a new table), I receive "no table names were found in this data source". The report does run fine as is (so it is accessing the db and the correct tables). I also receive this same error when trying to create a new report. I have removed the program and resinstalled it, but still the same problem. I have windows 2000. Any suggestions?

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=> RE: setup Dll error

Post by kfleming » Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:15 am

In your C:windows sw.ini file add a section named Database (it will be a line with an open square bracket followed by Database followed by a close square bracket. Unfortunately the forum software will not allow me to enter this line of text..)__In the section then add a line that says:__UseQEConnect=1__Save the file and re-start R&R and see if this helps.__ __Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: setup Dll error

Post by Kathleen_(Guest) » Tue Apr 22, 2003 11:57 am

Thanks for your suggestion.

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