v10.0 print spaces null field
v10.0 print spaces null field
I^m using v10.0 (SQL) to create fixed width files using the export feature and want to make sure that if the field returns a null value that the field is still exported but with spaces filling the defined field width. Currently, it just skipps the field alltogether.____The only way I have found to accomplish this is to create calculated fields for each field and use the ISNULL() test.____ex. IIF(ISNULL(FIELD)," ",FIELD)____Since I have 264 fields to print out, this would be quite cumbersome.____Is there an easier way?
=> RE: v10.0 print spaces null field
There may not be a better way to do this than the calculated fields.__To help a bit you could create a UDF and then just call the UDF.____Kathleen__R&R Support