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v11.1.007 Export problem

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:56 pm
by gnewcomb
v11 is not showing the saved export format correctly in the designer under File, Export..., Export Options tab. It shows the Export band as Record even though the report was previously saved as Group Footer. If you select Cancel then choose File, Export..., Export Options tab again, it will display the saved export format correctly. This export problem is also in the rrwrun.exe viewer.

=> RE: v11.1.007 Export problem

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:13 pm
by kfleming
This problem is corrected in the in 11.1.008 update that we are preparing for relase. Send me an eamail and I will send a copy out to you so that you can verify that it is indeed fixed.____Kathleen__R&R