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Cannot read ^filename^ database

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 7:47 am
by Bev_Francis
Can anyone help me with this problem, please?____We have been running R&R from a 16-bit application for a couple of years on various different Windows and NT platforms. We have now hit a problem on one customer^s PCs that use NT4. They have RR v6.5.0.8 and RRWRRUN.EXE is being called using Reports.DLL. They have no problem with RRW.EXE.____If they run RRWRRUN from the application when logged onto the network as Administrator, there is no problem, yet when logged on as a different user, they get the message ^Cannot open "filename"^ (on any report). Our immediate reaction was that it was user rights but the reports run ok either via RRW.EXE or when RRWRRUN is called via a command prompt with a runtime file. We have even moved the files down locally but still get the same error.____We have been working on this for 2 weeks and have now run out of ideas. This is very frustrating as we have this software running on other customer sites using NT4!____Does anyone have any suggestions?____Cheers____Bev Francis__

=> RE: Cannot read ^filename^ database

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 8:11 am
by kfleming
If the report can run from RRWRUN.EXE then it should be able to run from a control table. What values are you passing besides the name of the report and are you starting from the RRWRUN directory just as you did when running RRWRUN.EXE directly?____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Cannot read ^filename^ database

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 9:56 am
by Bev_Francis
Hi Kathleen,____My original message had a mistake - we get a Cannot READ... error. I can guarantee that there is no corruption and no index is involved. We can change the PC and database file and still get the same problem.__ __The control file just contains the library and report name and a ? in ri_printer. The report itself opens a small dbf (no index) and prints one field on the record line. So we^ve tried to keep everything as simple as it comes. We^ve been using RR for 15 years so we think we know it pretty good. I^m sure this is a network/workstation problem about rights (or virus scan setup), but the customer is a biggy who, of course, "knows best". We are going to trial the same setup at one of their other sites next week and see if it repeats the problem. It sounds just like the problem George O had in Feb this year. At least we are on site to see it for ourselves.____Currently, we call RRWRUN from the RREPORTS.DLL and we are rewriting to see if calling RRWRUN directly with a control file makes any difference. We^ll bring you up to date with anything we find.____By the way, this is the same site as the "no local printer" problem I also posted yesterday. Are the problems related, I wonder?____Ho hum...____Bev Francis