Changing DataSource at Runtime
Changing DataSource at Runtime
Hi,__I would like changing The DataSource (SQL Server) at runtime with file RRWRUNIN.__Is it possible ? and how can i make this ?__Thanks__Guy
=> RE: Changing DataSource at Runtime
You use the RI_DSOURCE field in the control file to select the data source to use for the report.____Kathleen__R&R Support
==> RE: Changing DataSource at Runtime
Ok, Thank you for your quick response but in my control file i don^t have the RI_DSOURCE field (may be a old version). Could you send me the new version of this file (RRWRUNIN.DBF) or tell me where i can find it.__Thanks for all__Guy__gginfo@online.fr__
===> RE: Changing DataSource at Runtime
You could use a text control file or modify the structure of the control table to add a character field called RI_DSOURCE.____Kathleen__R&R Support
====> RE: Changing DataSource at Runtime
ok thank you, but is there other fields specially for SQL because i don^t find it in documentation ?__thank you
=====> RE: Changing DataSource at Runtime
You need to view the Developing Applications help for the SQL version.____Kathleen__R&R Support