Changing the font within a word-wrapped, calculated field

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Changing the font within a word-wrapped, calculated field

Post by acmcgee » Thu Jun 28, 2001 1:30 pm

I have designed a letter in R&R that we send to our patients every day. The verbiage in this letter must meet very specific Health Plan guidelines, and we will be fined if some of the text is not ^bolded^. Changing text in seperately lined, direct text fields on the report is not a workable solution since editing is frequent and that solution basically requires that the whole letter be retyped every time there is a change. __ Our answer is creating a calculated field containing the text in quotes with word wrap. How do I keep my calculated field solution, and just bold a portion of the text within my calculated field?__ Please Help!

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=> RE: Changing the font within a word-wrapped, calculated field

Post by kfleming » Fri Jun 29, 2001 6:30 am

If you put your text into an ASCII text file, you can add formatting codes to the contents on the file and then insert this text file onto the layout.____For example, create a calculated field called test in your report with expression "BOLD".__Then create a ASCII text file with the contents:____If you type your text into a file, <R>__you can control line endings, embed fields and also <R>__make only part of the text as <B> est<D> if you wish.____Finally attach this file to your report and place the text field on the layout.____When you display the report, the embedded field est will appear in bold due to the <B> format code and will print as its current contents of BOLD.____This is described in the Creating Form Letter reports section of the Help file.____Kathleen__R&R Support__

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==> RE: Changing the font within a word-wrapped, calculated field

Post by ARNOLD_ROSENBAUM_(Guest) » Sat Jun 30, 2001 3:56 pm

The Help File does not explain this correctly it says__<B>XXXXX<N> nor <B>XXXXX<R>

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===> RE: Changing the font within a word-wrapped, calculated field

Post by kfleming » Sun Jul 01, 2001 3:10 pm

The <R> is an explicit carriage return.__If you use any other word processor/editor to create text files or table memo fields, precede each carriage return with a line ending code, <R> or <r>. The initial return and any that immediately follow cause Report Designer to begin a new line. ____The <D> is a an alternative to the <N>____To turn off a selected style, specify another style with another style code or use <D> to return to the font and style applied to the memo field on the report layout.______Kathleen__R&R Support__

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