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Chnage of File Size

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:09 pm
by SolarisW_(Guest)
, between RP5 & RRW formats.____Typically reports (authored here using v8.0) initially converted from RP5 library into RRW stand alone, start as 120Kb. I have noticed that further authoring will double the file size upto 250Kb. ____However recently there was a case where a RRW ended up being almost 4Mb in size. There where only a couple of child tables links. Most of the report was typed text and blank lines.____The only point of interest was that an image was imbedded then later removed. The file size of this image was a mere 228Kb.____The employee who edited this file, as since ceased working here, so I can not interview him about any addition edits/actions.____I would be curious to know if anybody has experenced this or knows the cause.____The company is in a phase of moving out report from libraries into the RRW file. Hence my exposure is limited.