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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 4:30 pm
by Chet_(Guest)
Hello____I am trying to create a report using a master table of "orders" and an index of "custnum". As the report pulls up each individual order I would like for it to look in the "customer" file to find two different records. One record would match the billing address and the other would match the shipping address.____The "orders" file has two fields with related indexes to help accomplish this, "custnum" and "shipto". Each of these indexes matches up with the "custnum" index in the "customer" file.____I am trying to use the clookup function to do this. I created two calculations, "billto", and "shipto". The syntax in each calculation are as follows.__"shipto" = CLOOKUP(CUSTNUM,"ADDRESS","Cust","Cust")__"billto" = CLOOKUP(SHIPTO,"ZIPCODE","Cust","Cust")__At this point nothing shows up for either calculated field.____I can pull either record using a Master to Relation connection. So I know the indexes and related fields are operationsl.____Can anyone see the problem. Thanks in advance.____Chet

=> RE: Clookup

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:32 pm
by kfleming
Try fully qualifying the database and index file names in your calculated expressions.______Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Clookup

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:52 pm
by Chet_(Guest)
Thanks for the reply. I have tried adding the .dbf and .cdx extensions. I have also included the paths to each file even though they are in the same directory as the master file. I^m still not getting anything. Any other suggestions? Thanks again.____Chet

===> RE: Clookup

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 4:23 am
by Pat_Dempsey_(Guest)
I^ve had a few lookups not work over the years and have never really figured it out. Others work just fine.____What I did is just related the file and got to the info that way.____I have not tried to change them back to lookups in V9, so I don^t know if it would still happen.____Next time I run across one of them, I^ll send it in to Kathleen. It is very rare, but when it happened (In V8) it was consistant and very obvious across various computers and versions of Windows.____Regards,__Pat__