Connecting to DB2 Powerbuilder Apps
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 7:53 pm
I am using R&R SQL Ver 9.0.__I have in the past successfully connected to an MS SQL server.__I am now attempting to connect to a Powerbuilder DB2 application.__When I try to create a new report, the first screen I come to is to choose the data source connection which in this case is an IBM DB2 ODBC Driver named DB2P. I click on configure, go to ODBC Data Source Administrator, select DB2P, and successfully connect to the data source. Then I come to the CLI/ODBC Settings - DB2P screen and the data source name: is already filled with DB2P; Description: I typed contracts and my userid and password. Then I get an error message that says: DB2 message: "Unable to modify the DB2CLI.INI file. Please check your drive space or memory, and try again." __I loaded the db2cli.ini file from the client software and pasted it into the main R&R SQL directory as well as into the WINNTsystem32 directory.__What do I need to do to connect?__