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Creating report from MDF and DBF

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:38 pm
by jefffried
With Reportworks Infinity (v 12), can you create a report that pulls from MDB (MS Access) and DBF files? There would be key fields in each that would form the basis of building a relationship, so I wonder if, for example, the master file is an MDB file, can a relationship be set up with a DBF file. And vice versa, can a master be a DBF with relationships set up with MDB tables?____I assume if this can be done, it can be done with the SQL version.____If you know the answer, please advise. Thanks.____Jeff Fried

=> Creating report from MDF and DBF

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:07 pm
by kfleming
You would need to create a SQL report against the Access table and export the results to DBF. You can then use the Xbase version to combine the exported DBF with your existing DBF tables.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> Creating report from MDB and DBF

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:40 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
Kathleen,____First, let me express my sorrow on your loss. This is an especially difficult season for this, and I hope you manage your way through it with a minimum of difficulty.____Thank you for your reply. I thought this might be the case, i.e., using the SQL version of R&R to then export Access data to DBF, then to combine with the DBF data.____Jeff Fried