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Data Dictionary

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:06 am
by Gerard_(Guest)
I want to start using the data Dictionary, but in a limited format.__I want to be able to set up a long Decription for each Table/Field name. I dont particulalry want to relate this to specific reports.____I then want to be able to copy this Data Dictionary out to other users of R&R , so that when they use the same Tables/fields, they will see the descriptions that I have set up (Rather than the Field Names from the table)____How do I do this __

=> RE: Data Dictionary

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:44 am
by kfleming
What you are describing is exactly what the Data Dictionary Editor is intended to do.____You populate the dictionary with tables/fields by selecting tables with the designer. You can build a new blank report and then select/re-select the master table to add tables to the dictionary.____You can then log in to DATADICT.EXE and modify field definitions.____Take a look at the Dictionary Help.PDF that is in the RL folder for full documentation on how the Dictionary works and how to share dictionary definitions.____Kathleen__R&R Support