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Date format

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:18 pm
by DalePearmain
I need to set up ReportWorks (v12.1) so that all the date fields (from any database or calculated field) appear in UK format; dd/mm/yyyy.__Despite have configured the Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel they are still all showing as m/d/y.____I saw this question on the forum a while back but cannot find an answer.____Any help would be appreciated.

=> RE: Date format

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:21 pm
by kfleming
The current windows control panel setting will only apply to new reports. To change an existing report you need to open the report then open the control panel. Change the current setting from UK to US and then back to UK so that the Apply button is active. Apply the change, close the control panel then go back to your report which will inherit the applied setting. Save the report and it will retain the UK date setting. You will need to do this for each saved report.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Date format

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:33 pm
by DalePearmain
Thanks for that; unfortunately it was a new report I was doing.____However I have tried customising the US date format to that of the UK. This resulted in a error, upon searhcing the internet found the Microsoft Article (ID: 250449) relating to date formating.____Sorry to have troubled you with this.

===> Date formats in conversions

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:48 pm
by Jeff_Fried_(Guest)
I remember once needing to know how to retain a certain date format when using a date in a string, such as the following:____"From "+dtoc(date1)+" thru "+dtoc(date2)____When I put this together, the format used is that of my Windows setting. As I recall, there was a way to do this, maybe by formatting a separate date field first, then making the dtoc conversion, but I^m trying this and it^s not working. I see there is only one parameter that can be passed for the date conversion, which I tried as:____dtoc(date(),1)____This results in 20090124, not what I^m looking for. However, the long way to accomplish the end result is to parse the result, as in:____"From "+substr(dtos(date1)),5,2)+"/"+substr(dtos(date1)),7,2)+"/"substr(dtos(date1)),3,2)+" thru "+substr(dtos(date2)),5,2)+"/"+substr(dtos(date2)),7,2)+"/"substr(dtos(date2)),3,2)____Obviously, I would like a shorter way to do this. Thank you.