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Labels Group Footer

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2002 2:46 pm
by DavinchySi
I^ve set up a 3 up label.__Ir prints fine at Detail Line Level__However, If I move the data to Group Footer level and suppress detail lines, the Labels come out as one up only !!!____Is there something I^m doing wrong____Regards,____Gerard__

=> RE: Labels Group Footer

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2002 7:20 pm
by kfleming
You do need to use a record band line for this to work correctly.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Labels Group Footer

Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 6:39 pm
by Gerard_(Guest)
Kathleen, why is this.?____Is there anything you can suggest to overcome it as we have a no.of sites where this requirement comes up quite regularly ____regards,__Gerard______

===> RE: Labels Group Footer

Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 6:26 pm
by kfleming
[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-12-02 AT 06:27 PM (EST)]You could create a total field that resets at the group level you are trying to print across.__Then on your report layout, you could use calculated fields in place of the actual fields and use the total to control printing.__For example, in place of a COMPANY field you would use:__IIF(COMPTOT=1, COMPANY,"" )__If you have compress body/group records enabled, then the empty lines for each 2nd and beyond record in the group will not print so that you will get the desired output of one record per company and 3 records across the page.____Kathleen__R&R Support