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Custom Page Size Problems

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 12:46 pm
by Randal_Ferguson_(Guest)
All,____I^m having some major problems with reports designed with a custom page size. Using ver 8.1, if I design a report on a Win98SE computer that is 8.5 x 7 and then copy that report to a computer using W2K or WinXP the report no longer respects the custom page size.____In the designer on the Win98 computer the report specifications show a page size of "User-defined: 7.00 x 8.50". When the same report is opened on a XP or W2K computer the report specifications for page size are blank. If you select File|Page Setup it defaults to "Letter".____In W2K/XP you have to define page sizes via the Server Properties. I have created forms for "Custom", "User-defined", "User-defined size", etc. without success. I thought perhaps R&R was trying to match the name of the page size but for some reason it^s not working.____If I upgrade to version 9.0 am I going to have the same problem?____I am certainly willing to pay for technical support to fix this problem if it can be fixed. Do I need to call for technical support?____Thanks,__Randal Ferguson__________