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Xbase ADS/tray selection

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:40 am
by Adam_Cooper_(Guest)
I^ve rode the R&R train for nearly 10 years now, but in the latter years support to resolve problems has nose-dived. :-( Still awaiting the following to be resolved from over 12 months ago:____1. Native Xbase drivers for Advantage Database Server (ADS). Huge and horrendous problems caused because R&R reads directly from the tables rather than going via Advantage Client/Server database engine. This is believed to cause missing reports and missing data. :-(____2. No tray selection support. I^ve had to write my own workaround here, editing binary print files to change trays within my code. However, it is very limiting (OS specific) and all users have to have the LaserJet4 printer added in Windows for the workaround to work. I would have thought this is a fundamental feature? :-(____I now have until the end of this year, then have been asked to redo my whole reporting application and rewrite all reports using the Rave reporting plugin for Delphi. :^( This does support ADS and tray selection - my biggest requests from R&R.____Does anybody else have any issues here?