scan and fixed number of lines.

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scan and fixed number of lines.

Post by Jeannie » Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:38 am

I have a catch-22.__I need to print just the first 3 rows of child records (notes).__BUT, these 3 lines need to be printed "within" a single record band because I need the ability to print 2-up like labels.__So I cannot use a normal scan, because the whole band is repeated per child record.____for example:____Mr. Smith Mrs. Smithers__11 Main Street 4 Poplar Lane__Notes: line1 Notes: line1__ line2 line2__ line3 line3____John Templeton etc ....__4 Market Street__Notes: line1__ line2__ line3______All of the lines are part of the same record band.__But, line1, line2, and line3 are from a related scanned table.____I created a cntlines preprocessed total on the scanned table couting the number of lines.__Then created 3 distinct fields:__line1= iif(cntlines=1,line,previous(line))__line2= iif(cntlines=2,line,previous(line))__line3= iif(cntlines=3,line,previous(line))____But to use this, I had to change the lines to footers.__That does not work for the 2-up label need.__And the previous() carried for all records, and did not reset per parent.____Then I went back to using a record band only.__I tried various logical lines using previous(parentkey) and previous(line) but am stumped.____Is there any way to do this.____TIA,__Jeannie____

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