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any examples using the API from VFP

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 11:25 am
by steve_tysinger_(Guest)
I^d like to see an example of how to use R&R through api execution with VIsual foxpro. ____thanks

=> RE: examples using API from VFP

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 1:50 pm
by wayne_dooley_(Guest)
>I^d like to see an example of how to use R&R through api __>execution with VIsual foxpro. __>__>thanks ____I^m using VFP7 with R&R9 quite a bit now. I am using the ActiveX control in a VFP form and use it to print reports and also output them to RTF. Here are a few examples:____(code from custom method "PrintReports" in VFP form)___This.oleRR.ReportName = "aging_detail.rrw"___This.oleRR.Destination = 7_&& RTF file___This.oleRR.PrintFileName = "myfile.rtf"___This.oleRR.Action = 1____(code to print the same report in 5 variations - yes, Accounting wanted it that way - by changing the Filter and MasterIndex properties. I put an R&R variable in the report heading based on QUERY() so users know which is which)____WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ^Producing report 1 of 5...^__This.oleRR.Query = 2_&& override__This.oleRR.Filter = "CREDSTAT <> ^D^ AND COLL_GROUP = ^1^"__This.oleRR.ReportName = ^\crcts01orders eportsaraging_sum.rrw^__This.oleRR.RunReport(1)____WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ^Producing report 2 of 5...^__This.oleRR.Query = 2_&& override__This.oleRR.Filter = "CREDSTAT <> ^D^ AND COLL_GROUP = ^2^"__This.oleRR.ReportName = ^\crcts01orders eportsaraging_sum.rrw^__This.oleRR.RunReport(1)____WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ^Producing report 3 of 5...^__This.oleRR.Query = 2_&& override__This.oleRR.Filter = "CREDSTAT <> ^D^ AND COLL_GROUP = ^3^"__This.oleRR.ReportName = ^\crcts01orders eportsaraging_sum.rrw^__This.oleRR.RunReport(1)____WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ^Producing report 4 of 5...^__This.oleRR.MasterIndex = ",,KEY2"__This.oleRR.Query = 2_&& override__This.oleRR.Filter = "CREDSTAT <> ^D^ AND DUETOT >= 500"__This.oleRR.ReportName = ^\crcts01orders eportsaraging_sum.rrw^__This.oleRR.RunReport(1)____WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ^Producing report 5 of 5...^__This.oleRR.MasterIndex = ",,KEY2"__This.oleRR.Query = 1_&& default__This.oleRR.Filter = ""__This.oleRR.ReportName = ^\crcts01orders eportsaraging_sum.rrw^__This.oleRR.RunReport(1)__