Negative Numbers in Red
Negative Numbers in Red
I have a report with several dozen subtotals/percentages where my client has requested that the negative numbers are printed in red.____Is there an easier way to achieve this than the old post I found that states...____>>>>__Conditional color printing is accomplished by placing two fields on top of each other, each having a different color and print condition.____For example if you want to print a numeric field called AMOUNT in red only when it is a negative number, you would create two calculated expressions.____The expression of the first would be:__IIF(AMOUNT<0,AMOUNT,BLANKNUM())____You would place this on the layout and set its color to RED.____The expression of the first would be:__IIF(AMOUNT>=0,AMOUNT,BLANKNUM())____You would place this on the layout directly on top of the first field and set its color to BLACK.____The result will be then negative amounts in red and all others in black.__<<<<____I could certainly do that, but I^ll get repetitive strain injury (RSI) from all the typing. ____Is there an easier way?____Many thanks in anticipation of being saved from RSI!____Stuart
=> RE: Negative Numbers in Red
There is not an easier way I am afraid. ____Kathleen__R&R Support