Totals on summary line

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Totals on summary line

Post by JB429 » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:32 pm

We have a customer who tracks shipments of products by ton. They are requesting a report that will show totals for each customer in the following format:____Customer Month of September 08 YTD Last 12 Months 07 Total__AAA__ABC__Acme__BBB____I am able to create expressions for the "Last 12 Months" and "YTD" and then create totals on the expressions by the Customer, but I am having trouble creating expressions for "Month of" and "Yr Total" that can be totaled by the Customer. I am stuck thinking there are an infinite number of expressions I could create in order to show totals for each month of each year for a customer. Any help is appreciated!

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=> RE: Totals on summary line

Post by kfleming » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:42 pm

You can create conditional totals that will accumulate only when a certain condition is met.__And you can combine these with parameter fields that can be entered by the user.____For example if you want the last column to be a total for a given year, you could create a numeric parameter field that prompts for a year and then in your total use a condition that says:__YEAR(SHIPDATE)=YRPARAM____where SHIPDATE is a date field that contains the shipment date and YRPARAM is the date parameter field.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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