Changing a field

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=========> RE: Changing a field

Post by gjshuger » Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:41 am

You might be able to do this in R&R. I^ve never tried it. What kind of database and programming language does your accounting software use? Can you modify it? Do you know how to modify it?

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==========> RE: Changing a field

Post by Marie_(Guest) » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:16 am

I have been through all the documentation that came with the software and I have not found anything to tell me what language was used to write the program. The software company is not going to volunteer help with the language - they offer support for a price and they have offered to write this custome report or to modify the program for our needs but the cost of that is really prohibative. Since I do not know what the languare is; I do not know how to modify the program. So if I can do this in Report Writer that would be best.

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===========> RE: Changing a field

Post by gjshuger » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:02 pm

Well, if you want to give it a shot with R&R your expression would have to: 1) Determine which terms calculation formula applies (Use the Terms Code?); 2) Use the terms description to determine what values to use in the selected formula (i.e., number of payments, days until each payment is due, etc.); 3) Calculate and save each payment amount and payment due date; 4) Output the appropriate number of payment lines.____I^m not sure that this can even be done in a single expression, which is why I suggested using UDFs, perhaps one or more per Terms Code. On the other hand I don^t know if a UDF has access to all the variables in the report or to just the values passed as arguments. If it can^t see the report variables, it will be difficult - maybe impossible - to set up the conditions to determine which lines to output.____I^m sorry to sound so pessimistic, but to me, rather than a a reporting issue this would be a programming project to be handled before getting to the report writer. Perhaps I just don^t know enough about R&R to come up with a solution.

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============> RE: Changing a field

Post by Marie_(Guest) » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:53 pm

I was afraid you would say that. The software company has come to this same conclusion; that we must pay to have a portion of the software rewritten to accomodate our needs. __The obsticals seem to be growing on this project. I may continue to work on possible answers - if I find something that works would you like me to send it your way?__Thank you for the insight, time, and help.

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=============> RE: Changing a field

Post by Jose_(Guest) » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:03 pm

No you don^t have to pay the company to modify the program fro this, you can do this with R&R, have doneit before.____Takes a little bit of time. but it can be accomplished.____Jose

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============> RE: Changing a field

Post by kfleming » Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:36 am

This is a complex enough report that I would need to spend some paid support time to produce it for you. If you are interested, send me an email and we can arrange the time/terms for me to take care of this for you.__My guess is that it would be a few hours of work and that it would cost between $150 and $300.____Kathleen__R&R

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=============> RE: Changing a field

Post by kfleming » Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:39 am

To create the multiple lines, you could use a calculated field for each date (so you would have a separate 30/60/90 calc) and place them on separate band lines.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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